一波三折 means a lots of obstacles. 一波 one wave, 三折 three blendings or breakings.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
一知半解 means someone knows very little, not fully understand. 一知 know one, a little bit, 半 half 解 comprehend.
一知半解 means someone knows very little, not fully understand. 一知 know one, a little bit, 半 half 解 comprehend.
一呼百諾 implies a person's power, just a call 一呼, hundreds of people 百 listen 諾 or agree and follows.
一呼百應 implies a person's influential ability. 應 receive, accept, felt belonged.
一呼百諾 implies a person's power, just a call 一呼, hundreds of people 百 listen 諾 or agree and follows.
一呼百應 implies a person's influential ability. 應 receive, accept, felt belonged.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
一言蔽之 is to use just one word to summarize the whole meaning. 一言 one word, 蔽之 cover it up, embrace the whole meaning or all the talking.
一言蔽之 is to use just one word to summarize the whole meaning. 一言 one word, 蔽之 cover it up, embrace the whole meaning or all the talking.
一身是膽 say someone is very brave, like the whole body is filled with bladder. 一身, one body, whole body. 是膽 is bladder. In chinese bladder has the connotation of gutsy, very brave..
一身是膽 say someone is very brave, like the whole body is filled with bladder. 一身, one body, whole body. 是膽 is bladder. In chinese bladder has the connotation of gutsy, very brave..
一見鍾情 is the same as love at first sight. 一見 fisrt look, first meet, 鍾情 fall in love.
一見鍾情 is the same as love at first sight. 一見 fisrt look, first meet, 鍾情 fall in love.
一見如故 說的是某人雖初相識但卻像老朋友一樣的傾談。
一見如故 implies a newly met friend is like an old friend. ( in the way the conversation goes)一見, first look, newly met. 如 like 故 old (friend).
一見如故 implies a newly met friend is like an old friend. ( in the way the conversation goes)一見, first look, newly met. 如 like 故 old (friend).
一決雌雄is the final determination of the winner. 一 is one, 決 is decide, 雌 female 雄 male. An expression to finalize who is going to win.
一決雌雄is the final determination of the winner. 一 is one, 決 is decide, 雌 female 雄 male. An expression to finalize who is going to win.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
一技之長 says one good skill, or the best of one's skill. 一技 a skill, 之長 is the best.
一技之長 says one good skill, or the best of one's skill. 一技 a skill, 之長 is the best.
一改故轍 says completely change or correct what has done in the past. 一改 one for all change, 故轍 the old track.
一改故轍 says completely change or correct what has done in the past. 一改 one for all change, 故轍 the old track.
一成不變 describes a person always use the same thinking, same way of doing things and not willing to change. 一成 10% 不變 no change, never change.
一成不變 describes a person always use the same thinking, same way of doing things and not willing to change. 一成 10% 不變 no change, never change.
一目十行 describe how fast the person read. 一目 just one look, 十行 have read ten lines or sentences.
一目十行 describe how fast the person read. 一目 just one look, 十行 have read ten lines or sentences.
一丘之貉describes a person of a type which is cunning, bad and evil.
一丘之貉describes a person of a type which is cunning, bad and evil.
一本萬利refers to most business person. They like to obtain the biggest profit 萬利 (ten thousand profit or benefits) with one single capital or cost 一本. Look greedy heh?
一本萬利refers to most business person. They like to obtain the biggest profit 萬利 (ten thousand profit or benefits) with one single capital or cost 一本. Look greedy heh?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
戌 - the 11th hour in chinese hour.
戍 - 會意。從人持戈。甲骨文字形,象人負戈守衛邊疆。本義:防守邊疆。on guard, people who watches or guards for the rich/emperor.
戊 - 戊是天干的第五位。The 5th position of counting, like A, B, C, D, E - 甲,乙,丙,丁,戊,己。
未是「未」來的「未」。 Future, never, haven't.
末是包尾的末,煙「末」的「末」,像「末」代皇帝的「末」。End, vanish.
土是泥「土」的「土」。Earth, dirt.
士是「護士」的「士」。Person, knowledgable, nurse.
開口己,自「己」的「己」。 myself, self
埋口巳,子丑寅卯辰「巳」午未申酉戌亥這十二時辰的「巳」。 dzi, the 6th chinese hour.
半捻已,「已」經過去了的「已」。 already.
開口己,自「己」的「己」。 myself, self
埋口巳,子丑寅卯辰「巳」午未申酉戌亥這十二時辰的「巳」。 dzi, the 6th chinese hour.
半捻已,「已」經過去了的「已」。 already.
一本正經 means the look of seriousness. 一本 a book 正經 tidy, rightful bible.
一本正經 means the look of seriousness. 一本 a book 正經 tidy, rightful bible.
一孔之見 is to criticize someone's view point is narrow minded or biased. Much like looking 見 through a hole 一孔。 Very similar to 6 blind men tell about an elephant.
一孔之見 is to criticize someone's view point is narrow minded or biased. Much like looking 見 through a hole 一孔。 Very similar to 6 blind men tell about an elephant.
一日千里 means traveling thousand miles 千里 in 1 day 一日 describing the dramatic or rapid change or advancing of something like a city, a country or the world.
一日千里 means traveling thousand miles 千里 in 1 day 一日 describing the dramatic or rapid change or advancing of something like a city, a country or the world.
一毛不拔 means someone is very selfish, even 1 hair 一毛 he will not give or pull out 不拔 for anyone.
一毛不拔 means someone is very selfish, even 1 hair 一毛 he will not give or pull out 不拔 for anyone.
一日三秋 express the feeling of waiting, longing. One day 一日 seems like 3 years 三秋.秋 is autumn or fall. One year has only one autumn. 三秋 means 3 autumns or 3 years.
一日三秋 express the feeling of waiting, longing. One day 一日 seems like 3 years 三秋.秋 is autumn or fall. One year has only one autumn. 三秋 means 3 autumns or 3 years.
一刀兩斷 shows the determination of breaking a relationship, like using knife 刀 to break 斷 the relationship into two 兩 with one 一 cut.
一刀兩斷 shows the determination of breaking a relationship, like using knife 刀 to break 斷 the relationship into two 兩 with one 一 cut.
一了百了 means if the key problem is solved, all other problem will utimately be solved.
一了百了 means if the key problem is solved, all other problem will utimately be solved.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
蠶食鯨吞 describes eating like silk worms as well as whales. Using both way, little by little or eat the whole thing, meaning ripping off in all different ways.
蠶食鯨吞 describes eating like silk worms as well as whales. Using both way, little by little or eat the whole thing, meaning ripping off in all different ways.
鬱鬱寡歡 means sad, very sad, 寡歡 is rarely happy. 鬱鬱 is like happy feeling being imprisoned and cannot let go.
鬱鬱寡歡 means sad, very sad, 寡歡 is rarely happy. 鬱鬱 is like happy feeling being imprisoned and cannot let go.
Monday, September 14, 2009
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